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a bit about me:

I'm currently a PCI Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica (Itajubá, Brazil) where I provide observational support for NOIRLab facilities, primarily the GEMINI Observatories (in Hawaii, USA and Cerro Pachon, Chile) and the SOAR (Cerro Pachon, Chile) for astronomers in Brazil. For my research, I carry out long-slit and integral-field spectroscopic observations in optical and near-infrared at the GEMINI Observatories, SOAR, and NASA-IRTF facilities.

Before that, I was a CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow at the same institution working to understand the forbidden coronal lines and Fe+ emission in the vicinity of accreting supermassive black holes with Prof. Alberto Rodríguez-Ardila. Before, I was a Kavli-Boya Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kavli Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (Peking University, Beijing, China) with Prof. Luis C. Ho working on understanding the co-evolution of AGNs and host galaxies. I obtained my Ph.D. (in Physics with distinction) jointly working at the Center for Theoretical Physics and the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center under the supervision of Prof. Bożena Czerny. During the course of my PhD, I gained specialization in the study of active supermassive black holes and the environment in their immediate vicinity using state-of-the-art reverberation mapping techniques and standardizing quasars to be used for cosmological purposes. 

My research interests are inclined toward understanding the Physical Conditions in the Broad-Line Region in Active galaxies. I extensively use photoionization radiative transfer modeling to recreate and understand the inner workings of these gaseous media bound by the gravitational force of their supermassive black holes. I'm also involved in the upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory's Legacy of Space & Time (LSST) and the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) projects. I also dabble with multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions of active galaxies and spectral fitting techniques to close the gap between the observations and theory.

I am a recipient of the President's Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2019) and a Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange laureate (2020). I was a recipient of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Scholarship (2021) and received a National Natural Science Foundation of China excellence grant (2022). I was awarded the Polish Academy of Sciences International Researcher Award (2023) and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Young International Researcher Grant (2023). I was conferred with the Rising Stars prize by the Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences journal (2022) and I have been a review/special issue editor for the same journal since 2022.

I have authored/co-authored 102 publications (69 refereed, 33 conference proceedings and reports, total citations: 926). A complete list of my publications can be found at the NASA ADS service.

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